Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Two Portrait Tips

                                                               Tip # 1

When looking tru the camera viewfinder  search for items that can enrich the message of the picture, colors, shapes, contours of objects that are like frames.This can always be applied in confined spaces and where their people do.


When looking tru the camera viewfinder  search for items that can enrich the message of the picture, colors, shapes,

                                                          Tip #2

The environment provides a lot of ideas, but it should not be shifted object of the photogrphy.Оften environment itself induces shooting. Then the presence of the people you shoot a building for example, enriches the picture, but they are better in smaller proportions.

The environment provides a lot of ideas, but it should not be shifted object of the photogrphy.

Оften environment itself induces shooting

Then the presence of the people you shoot a building for example, enriches the picture, but they are better in smaller proportions.

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                                                                 God  Bless You !!!