Thursday, December 13, 2012

How to compose the picture ?


                      The rule #1 :  More close to the object                 

            One of the common mistakes that some photographers assumption is unnecessary  distance from the shooting site.Then a  desired effect is lost, the object is too small in the background.Even if the object is large, it loses expression.The spectator senses when the subject of the photo should be  small and when not .To develop that skill you  can learn from the experience of other photographers - note how they compose the frame, if there is anything which should not be shown, do not show.

              The photographer should not be shy.Just  go close to the object and seek the desired effect, people usually do not mind shooting them or what they do, and if you feel tension in their predisposed them with a smile or joke .That is important for both, you should not be confident, otherwise nothing happend.You  can start exercising with friends or familiar people.


        This little baby just look at the world around him      

                 The makeup of the eyes is good detail

     Your look is close , seems like you doin' that himself',
                       the moment of action

                                                                         Just go close


                                                                         Now the object is that beautiful rose


              The rule # 2 :  Do not place your subject right in

                                                the middle of the frame

         When the subject's place is in the center of the frame, the picture becomes too boring      and  the two sides remain  too much  empty space.You must to try  several positions and choose the better .        



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                                     Happy Christmas Eve and  Let God  Bless You !
