Tuesday, January 29, 2013

For The Light And The Photography

Why is so important ot know some basics for the light and photography ?

For light photography is the source of existence and one of the major imaging equipment.
Through it creates plasticity of objects brings to exist, but one is a living, dynamic and mood in the picture. Ourselves while filming, constantly looking for the exact terms, spectacular lighting which has a certain pattern of what you shoot, and do not feel how obey unintentionally all the laws of physics.

 What exactly is light and why it is so important for photography - why she paints each image to be sealed. What causes and what causes it Samten - properties, phenomena? You say while contemplating the material is returned to the 8th grade in Physics because .... answers to these questions give optics (as its title).In fact, the two main parts optics dealing with the phenomena of light are geometric and wave optics. You will say "wow now what these things" - but very simple - they are the same - light in different approximations
First, look around, and before heading reading "geometric" and "wave" terms, try to see or imagine light. Hard right, then how is it that still see it? Well, very simple in fact we see the result of her appearance-wavelength range of colors and through the viewer space, volume and texture of objects, landscape and color variety. Only a small part of it is visible to the human eye.
There is no exact boundaries of the visible spectrum. Usually it is assumed that the human eye is sensitive to wavelengths of light from 400 to 750 nm. Accustomed to light eye is usually the most sensitive to wavelengths around 555nm, ie in the green region of the visible spectrum.
So within this visible spectrum blend into each other all the colors known to us - the spectral composition: red (720 nm) to violet (400Nm). On both sides of this spectrum is the invisible part where infrared and ultraviolet rays.
Measure the spectral composition of light is its color temperature - something that is very important for photographers - we owe this set tone in each picture. In general, natural light is white. Natural daylight is at a temperature in October 5200 Kelvin. In cloudy weather is 6500K and the sky radiation is 2000K. Artificial bodies typically have a temperature of light between 2700K - 3500K. And when it came to natural light - it is the most common source that was filmed and directed, diffuse or spectacular. Directed volume highlights the objects created svetlosenchest pattern improves visibility and depth of space (deep shadows and highlighted areas like effect). Diffusion is the most pleasant because it is equally in all directions, deleted objects in detail and creates flexibility.
The last type of natural lighting is spectacular and it is determined by the position of the sun.
 Well here you all know when it's most photogenic time - before sunrise and at sunset - then the position of the sun is between 0-15 degrees. The brightness of the spectral changes quickly and moves mostly in the red part of the spectrum, the temperature is in the range of 2300-4500K. Shadows are unusually long and thick, has a strong index of refraction of the rays.

 Normal lighting is then from 8-10:30 pm between the morning and 2 hours. and 5h. afternoon (sun is positioned 15 to 60 degrees) with a constant light intensity and spectral composition stable
-The most inappropriate time for photos is the zenith of the sun - between 11am. and 1h. afternoon (65-90 degrees). Light is stronger because actinic blue-violet range. Deformations are obtained, does not feel the volume and plasticity, strong contrast between light and dark places.
Gometrichal optics seems to be more understandable and easier.
Namely, it assumes that light travels evenly and in a straight line at a constant speed in a homogeneous environment. This line is called the beam and is assumed to be infinitely small diameter. Depending on the environment in which it is moving and changing its speed. Deviations from rectilinear motion of light can only have the boundary between two media, they all boil down to two phenomena - reflection and refraction.
Wave optics is more related to physics. Here we take a little ray of geometric and real ponakadren is already a wave. Wool also does direction and speed has many parameters, such as frequency / period, wavelength, amplitude and polarization. Now, given these characteristics, we can describe many beautiful phenomenon such as dispersion, diffraction, interference, scattering and absorption. It is difficult to determine which of these phenomenon we see most often, so I'll start with the most mentioned - polarization. The movement in one plane light vibrates in a direction perpendicular to the plane. In sbalask with some in objects it reflects or refracts and change their vibration intensity and direction of 90 degrees, so most simply polarized light is nothing but reflected or refracted. On this principle are made and polarized glasses and filters we use for photos.
One of the most interesting phenomenon is the variance - ie it is used to explain the variety of colors. As I said above, the light is white, has a length (defining color) and speed. When run in a transparent space - such as air - different waves travel at different speeds and thus refract differently (indicator) thus decomposes white light throughout their spectral composition. Example - rainbow sparkle in the rain, colored highlights on the CD-s are the result of this phenomenon. However, dispersion is the main cause of chromatic aberration.
Shadows of objects and partial back-lit areas is due to the diffraction of light. Ie it is the ability to deviate from its rectilinear movement when it encounters a hole or barrier.

Interference will not go, I'll just say that it is due to partial shading of some surfaces and used in optics.
 Another most beautiful phenomenon of light is - scattering and absorption.
The transparent medium (air) light tends to dissipate and over part of it to change direction. In such environments shortwave dissipate less than Daly (short waves are in the red part of the spectrum, many in blue). In nature, the best example of this phenomenon can give the sky - the phenomenon we are grateful for its blue color, incredible lighting effects in many clouds (Markov who adores) and of course the fiery sunsets and sunrises. In fact, the position of the sun is setting on which part of the day which waves dissipate stronger, which are weaker and will set the tone. Now I think I understand why most photogenic landscapes is time for cloudy, early morning and late evening.

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