Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year and Let Talk About Photography

    Happy New Year For All Of You !  Wish You All The Best  !
                          And a Lot Of Good Shots This Year !

                        Some other methods for good photogrphy
    Last time we talk about depth of field and image sharpness.If you're shooting indoors and want someone close to the background to use it you need a wide lenses.Try to focus on the subject and aperture is wide open ,the front object will stand blurry.When you will want front and background objects are more sharply depicted reduce aperture and the shutter speed. If the background behind the site is colorful and there is a risk of confusion with the object than use small depth of field.
Then back background will become a mix of colors that will stand out on the sharp focusing obekt.In  these cases may again have to choose between wide angle and telephoto according to the desired depth of field.
      Let talk about a pfoto cameras and the basics of making photodrphs.Maybe your photo camera is Digital SLR  - they are the best , but only if you are looking for very good results.If you have more simple automatic camera you will learn very good tips to make good shots at this blog - about composison , light  but i am shure that you will  like the basics.
      It will be very funny if you have good camera , but don't use her's full potential.By the way the manual is the key.O'key , let's go .
      For a person to use the full potential that a device, he must understand the importance of a well-exposed image. Exposure, generally speaking, the amount of light reaching the camera sensor. It depends on three main factors that can adjust the settings using the camera (aperture, shutter speed and ISO) and the fourth - the amount of light we have. The image below is presented a conection between them, but I will focus on each separately.

Aperture, called  also the diaphragm, is a mechanism through which light can reach the sensor. 
Imagine opening the aperture is like the pupil of your eye. Pupil expands to absorb more light, and when we go into a dark room. The opposite happens when the sun is shining outside - the pupil shrinks to absorb less light. The same principle works and aperture. A wide aperture - more light falls on the sensor, a narrow aperture - less light falls on the sensor. And now let me explain it in numbers.
Aperture size is indicated by the number f. The smaller the number, the wider the aperture will be and the more light will be absorbed. The higher the number, the less light will be absorbed.


Shutter speed
Shutter speed, generally speaking, is a setting that determines how long the shutter of the camera remains open to let light. The speed is measured in fractions of a second and works on the following principle: the faster is closed, the less light will pass and vice versa - the more slowly closed, the more light will pass. My example here with the human eye is again very relevant. The faster mignem, less light and therefore miss the longer keep our eyes open, the more light will be absorbed.

Sensitivity matrix (movie) is indicated by the number ISO. When the number is higher, you need a little light to get proper exposure. Of course, when it is ISO-high matrix is sensitive, leading to noise in the frame. Something did not feel like it.
I will not dwell further because this is the setting that almost never change. For the best results, shoot at the lowest possible ISO, which is usually 100.

All settings are talking about above can be changed when shooting fully manual settings (button M for Canon), but mostly I use the program, aperture priority (Av button on Canon), which enables me to change the number f, and the other settings are entered automatically by the camera.

RAW format
 It is something like a digital negative and has a number of advantages and unacvantages.

Advantages - possibility to change many settings such as white balance, exposure compensation, noise cleaning, Picture Style, etc.; storing more information about frames
Disadvantages - files are voluminous and require additional processing program

Exposure Compensation
Very often it happens that the unit calculates the correct exposure, but for one reason or another, the result does not satisfy us. And here comes the option to escape exposure compensation with which one can easily achieve your goal. Normal exposure has the value 0 (middle photo). If you want your photo to be lighter, ie overexposed (right picture), the line moves to the positive (+) value, and if you want the image to be darker, is underexposed, moved to the negative (-) (left picture).

                              The picture is from 

DOF - Depth of Field
The depth of field is one of the most popular effects in photography. In it the main subject is in focus and everything behind it is out of focus. The degree of depth of field is controlled by several factors:
- Focal length - Telephoto, ie those who are approaching, take pictures with shallow depth of field ( unfocused) and wide-angle lenses take photos with greater depth of field ( focused)
- Distance to the object - the more closer to your subject, the less will be the depth of field (unfocused). Conversely - if you shoot a few meters away from the object, it will be crystal clear.
- Aperture - here already mentioned. The less the number is f, the more blurry the background is a picture.
If you often use this effect in your photos, you must have light sensitive lens, ie lens with a low maximum number f

                               The picture is from

Focal point
Like the depth of field, focal point can create different moods and different stories to tell. 

                                         The picture is from

The number 1/4000 is the 
Shutter speed , F 5.6 is the number of 

Apreture ,  -2..1..0..1...2  is the Exposure Compensation , ISO 100 is the ISO - sensitivity matrix (movie).

                                    If  you like this blog, help his existence with a littlle
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                                                                Let God  Bless You !
