Monday, February 25, 2013

To continue with the theme of light and some other stuff ...

The theme of light is not as extensive, but we need to acquire routine in working with her.

 Repetition is the mother of knowledge, some say, and to build skills and experience really takes time.To work properly with the light we need to know a few important things.So, already mentioned, that the quality of light has two main characteristics.These are color temperature and intensity.Same frame shot will look different in the morning light, table lamp or before dusk.In these cases, the sun or the light rays are not only varying intensity.Early morning and late afternoon sun shine at a greater angle and contain more red light spectrum.So objects are red and all picture has feeling of warmth .

When the light intensity is not always sufficient practical is the use of flash.It can be directed to the site.To achieve a certain effect can be used diffusers or reflectors.By a suitable diffuser (looks like a sock to the illuminating lamp) or reflector to determine how to display the color of the light and the type and availability of shade.Shadow is also an important part of the picture.She modeled object.Therefore filming early morning and dusk have elongated shadows of objects, another plus.
    It is important to say a few words about the direction of light. Preferred angle is 45 degrees sideways from the direction of one shoulder.In this way the light falls so that the object creates shadows on his bulging parts and acquired volumes.However, the picture is more two-dimensional image volume is welcome.Of course this depends on the willingness of the photographer.The rule applies to portraiture too.
    All these techniques can practice alone while gain confidence and routine.Especially appropriate exercise with the angle of daylight from 180, 90 and 45 degrees.Take photos under these conditions and compare the results.
     This exercise is particularly suitable tool "wedge" that have  modern DSLR cameras.This feature allows you to take a series of photos automatically.You can also specify additional parameters for each of these pictures.For example, shutter speed or aperture.This is important because the actual shutter speed may be different from the said manufacturer.Even small.For example, instead of 1/250 of a second may actually be 1/200 or 1/300 shutter speed.This is of course due to the structural features of the camera.
     So using the automatic series images will help you make the right shot.

 I hope that these few tips to help those of you entering the wonderful and exciting world of photography!

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                                                                Let God  Bless You !