Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Photo lens

    Compact, attractive design, more megapixel ... These are key political leaders factors that firms producing digital cameras compete to attract customers. In this extreme megapixel race but stayed in the background to focus lenses. A good lens is much stronger guarantee of a good picture than a couple of pixels more or less.
What determines getting a good fotografiy? Two things - the ratio between the size of the matrix and the number of megapixels and quality optics. In the first situation dependency is simple - the greater matrix, the quality of the image at the same resolution. With lenses, however, things are more complex.
Often traders to impress amateur buyer that the unit, which deals with a lens by Carl Zeiss or Leica and therefore should be bought. However, the brand of the lens does not guarantee anything, especially overlap cheaper compact cameras.
  To achieve the best results when shooting, the lens must be consistent with the objectives photographer. The first thing to keep in mind is the focal length, which was written around the front lens of the camera. Therefore lenses are divided into three types - wide, normal and telefokus.
    Lens with a focal length to 50mm are called wide. In this class are called  "Super wide" lens with a focal length of 20 mm inclusive, and called. lens "Fisheye" covering 180 degrees viewing angle. Wide-angle lenses are suitable for capturing large subjects or scenes closely when there is no space behind. Wide-angle lenses have pros and cons. The main advantage is the ability to capture a large depth of field. For example, if you shoot to many people, located on foreground and background, the - best option for them all to be in focus is the use of wide-angle lens.
The biggest disadvantage of wide angle lenses is distortion of lines and perspective. Sometimes objects appear more distant than they actually are, if the picture was taken with a wide angle lens. If you're at the foot of a tall building and point the camera up to shoot it, the lines of the building will look slanted like to meet somewhere in the distance.Also, people seem more rounded. Naturally depends only photographer to be turned into an advantage in the picture.

     In 35mm format lenses with normal focal length of 50 to 55 mm. Their visual angle is about 45 degrees, which makes them pretty close to the eye. These lenses are great for shooting at any distance, except for very close objects. Images look almost as we see scenes with our eyes, which makes them suitable for "pictures of memorial."

     Telefokus lenses have a focal length of 60 mm and can reach up to 2000 mm. They are good for capturing distant subjects in close-up. A telephoto lens made ​​and loved by all portraits defokusiran background. Their small viewing angle - 12 degrees at 200 mm and 4 degrees at 600 mm - allows the frame to remove distracting elements. Compared to wide angle telephoto lens have less depth of field, and the subject of the picture seem closer to each other.
   For shooting objects at close distances (centimeters and millimeters) are needed so called. Macro. Most zoom lenses, which are designed to shoot in macro mode, can recreate the object in the picture on a scale from 1:4 to 1:3 from its natural size. True Macro, however, must be able to provide the site with 0.5 x magnification to 1x, or in other words - the entire half his size. Macro primarily used for shooting very small objects - the usual example is a picture of a bee sitting on a flower. They can take pictures, and other objects at different distances.
Another type lenses are mirrored (or katadioptrical reflex) lenses. They belong to the telefokus lenses. The difference is that they are more compact size. This is due to their specific structure - the lens in the lens body is less than ordinary lenses telefokus. Instead, many lenses, the body is placed in a system of two mirrors "fold" the light and allow a large increase despite the small size. However, the expense of image quality. Another problem is that the mirrored lenses work with a very small aperture of f / 8, which makes shooting at high shutter speeds.
In determining the "length" of the lens should not be forgotten Crop-factor. It is the ratio between the size of the matrix and 35 millimeter film. To get the focal length of the lens after you put a digital camera, you must multiply the actual focal length of a Crop-factor camera. So if you put a 15 mm lens body 1.6 Crop factor, the lens is extended to 24 mm and out of the group of super wide. Similarly, we can calculate that a normal 50mm lens becomes a 80 mm lens telefokusen etc.
Everything said here applies to DSLR-apparatus. For compact cameras Crop-factor is used to create lenses with high zoom and very small size. Their focal length is usually observed in the 35 mm equivalent format.

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