Wednesday, December 26, 2012

More rules for good photographs

                                                              Rule of thirds

  To use this rule should imagine that the camera viewfinder or frame is divided into nine squares with two horizontal and two vertical lines.The object of photography should be placed in one of the points of intersection of the lines. That way maded   photography creates a sense  for the dynamics . 

                                                                 Intersection point                      
                                                                      A sens of dynamic

 Apply this technique the next time you take pictures. Example, if you are indoors and shoot someone, pay attention to the situation, is there anything in the interior you want to display? If this is the picture, position the objects so as to occupy the intersection of the lines by the rule of thirds.The result achieved will see it.
        Also, when you visit an exhibition or museum, note how this rule is used by artists, I'm sure you will get more ideas.


  When shooting a distant object, try using foreground element to point the viewer towards the object.This can be everything you thought appropriate, as in the case of this photograph grass is used.

                          The grass in foreground  and  the girl at position by rule of thirds

You can use any detail, but beware of the foreground object.Не  should not be going dominаnt.Practice to achieve the desired result.

                                                       Here foreground become a frame


                 Using depth of field and the image sharpness

This is one of the most important techniques in photographie.Helps photographer to control the way in which the viewer perceives reality.When we see any object,we get everything in focus, the eye focuses immediately.                          
        Through the depth of field and focus, the photographer selects which part of the frame to be understood more clearly and what not. If you shoot several objects, but they are at a different distance, one is close, another away by the depth of field and sharpness you can directs the viewer to the closest or farthest, one is stay a little fuzzy. Similarly it can be done with the foreground , he can be blurred slightly.But the depth of field is determined by three elements - the focal length, distance of the object from the camera and aperture , lens opening .As the lens has a shorter focus ,so the depth of field is bigger.When the aperture  is with a lower number , the background  will be blurry.The wide lenses have greater depth of field at any division of aperture while telephoto haven't . If your camera is a modern DSLR camera, probably has a function to display the frame advance, if not, the next post will talk about the main theoretical issues in photography and how this will help you make better pictures.     

                                                               Background is blurry

                                                                           Here too

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                                     Happy Christmas Eve and  Let God  Bless You !
