Sunday, June 16, 2013

Some tips for photography begginers - how are working the photo filters , polarisers and lens

 Well, we looked the focal and aperture ranges - there is tips for photography begginers. The other measurement you'll see on most dSLR lenses is preceded by ΓΈ and describes the diameter of the screw, mount on the front of lens barrel. Check this number each time you head out to buy a filter or hood .

Photo filters are different kinds

                                                                    Photo filters

Now ,  before buy anything we must have answer to ourselfs - how are working the photo filters , polarisers and lens?

If you only buy one filter , take a circular polariser. This is the perfect filter for beginners.It will have the biggest effect on your day to day photography.If you want holiday skies to has vibrant blue tone and accentuating the contrast between the sky and  clouds , take it .Yes ,you can add blue to your images in Photoshop or a similar editing tool, but the effect is never as  when done that way as it is shot using a lens.

Circular polariser filter have the biggest effect on your day to day photography
                                                          Circular polariser filter

Polarising filters also removes glare and reflection. Use it to shoot through windows and  falling water. Rotating a circular polarising filter changes the strength of the polarising effect. It's making skies deeper or lighter.Also it's changing the amount of reflection , other words they cancel out. If you plan on using such a filter  wherever possible just buy lenses where turning the zoom control doesn't simultaneously .Because rotating the end of the lens and with it the filter will change the effect. At that situation set your zoom first and adjust the effect afterwards.But you must  being careful not to throw the lens out of focus in the process.

The glares and reflections can damage the quallity of the photography

                                                             Glares and reflections

Cuting the glares and reflections is the best way for good image

                                                  Cut the glares and reflections

When using a filter set  the white balance on your camera to the appropriate conditions, rather than auto, to unable the camera compensating for the filter in front of the lens.

Seting  the white balance can change the picture in different ways

                                                              Set  the white balance

Putting a clear filter on the front of your lens to protect its surface is a good idea. Your lens was an expensive investment. The end of your lens is stronger than you  think. It's easy to clean if you don't let the dirt build up. Dispensing with a skylight filter will save you money, but also avoid the chance of introducing light problems due to increased reflections or the slight reduction in the line of illumination reaching the sensor.

Damaging of lens surface allows to low photography quallity

                                                            Damaged lens surface 

Dedicated macro lenses are expensive. You can quickly and easily improve your existing lens' macro credentials by using  magnifiers.

Magnifiers are effective for occasional shooting


 They're not a perfect solution because they decrease the level of light coming into the lens. For occasional work they are very effective  and  cheap.

Avoid stacking up  many filters .It's tempting to add multiple filters to the end of each lens to achieve different results.This is good, but bear in mind that although they may look perfectly  to you, each one reduces the amount of light passing through by a small  diference. For the best results you better use the smallest number of filters possible.

Choose a manual lens instead a powered one.Some compact  cameras come with a choice of powered or manual zoom. The former is a great  option, allowing you to press a button to get the framing you're after, but the latter is cheaper and possible  always quicker to use as it moves at whatever speed you turn it.This come  without being hobbled by the speed of an internal motor. With that kind of lenese you can also often make finer and more predictable changes when zooming manually instead when  you are using a powered zoom rocker.

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                                                                God  Bless You !!!